
Public Profile

Georgi Gagov

  • Sofiya
The most recent level of my professional experience includes working specifically with social media design. For the past two and a half years I have assisted the brand’s development of the visual identity for the company I am currently working for. As a part of the marketing team my work includes creating and modifying visuals for various campaigns and adapting them to the different social networks.
I offer a proven ability to conduct creative design solutions. I have assisted clients from various backgrounds to design and implement thoughtful and impactful branding tools to help grow their business. In my work experience I have elevated the performance and recognizability of diverse organizations creating suitable design strategies. Graphic design has been a huge interest from way back aiding me to master Photoshop, Illustrator, and other Adobe products.As a detail oriented person with a passion for excellence, I am adept at listening to clients’ needs, then analyzing and implementing the best designed solutions.
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