

Partner / Agent for Tax Refund Services

Migroconsult is a consulting company from Cisnadie, Romania, founded in 2013. Services offered include tax and child support refund for Bulgarians who have worked in Germany or Austria for a temporary period of time, mostly in the agricultural sector, but not only.

We are looking to welcome new independent partners, no matter where abouts in Bulgaria. 


- Speak and write 1 of the following langauages: Enlish / German / Romanian

- Minimum 3 years of working experience

- Living in Bulgaria

- Communicative and adaptive skills


- Aquire new clients which are anyone who is working or has worked in Germany or Austria in the last 4 years.

- Advise clients about possibilities of tax and child support refunds.

- Registration and management of client portfolio on on-line platform.


- Work independently at any time, with no targets or minimums

- Various retribution types 

- No expertise knowledge needed

- No costs for training or promotion material

- Attractive income possibilities

We look forward to hearing from anybody interesnted and who is able to aquire this type of client. If you have any inquiries, do not hesitate contacting me personally at


After in introductory training, future partners will recieve an account on our online platform, where they can easily manage client accounts they have made. 

  • Closed
  • Budget:

Bidders // 2


  • Bidder
  • ozpal     Interested and available.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 0%
  • 30 days

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