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Кандидати // 4

  • Кандидат
  • Живко Станчев     Досега не бях мислил за 100 думи, така че ще ми дадете малко време ;)

    Ето част от мой проект, копирайт:

    Betting Systems & Strategies in short

    Whenever we gamble, we do it with the ultimate purpose of making money. People have tried to use strategies and systems to improve their chances ever since the dawn of betting practices. It is simply in our nature and it somehow makes sense: whenever you risk your money, no matter if it is on the turn of a card, the roll of a dice or a horse race’s winner, you want to do your best, in order to make sure you win.
    That is how many betting systems and strategies have been developed over the years – some of those really well-known, appreciated and followed by gamblers all over the world. However, the greatest number of these has most likely never reached the public, often due to one simple reason: they do not work. Of course, there are gamblers who have developed their winning strategies, undoubtedly keeping them in secret.

    This webpage explains more about using strategies and systems, regarding different forms of gambling. We have also tried to point out the differences between a strategy and a system, the way we see it. Any eventual search of yours, concerning info on a specific strategy or a system shall be covered in detail on other pages.

    A Strategy and a Betting System: the Difference

    The way we see it, there is a huge difference between a strategy and a betting system when we talk about gambling. Whenever one uses a strategy, it means doing certain things which can help with putting the odds more in his favor. At the same time the usage of a betting system means you adjust your stakes, following some sort of a pattern while trying to maximize your winnings and/or minimize your losses???

    That is the way we see it and it is not necessary that anyone would agree with our distinction. Things are explained in a more detailed manner below, along with further information provided on a series of gambling strategies and betting systems which you might like and try out.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 0%
  • 5 дни

  • Кандидат
  • Румяна Бумбарова     Здравейте, Вашата обява живо ме заинтригува. Условията Ви ми пасват идеално. Тъй като тук не в възможно прилагането на линкове, ще ви изпратя съобщение с адресите на две мои статии като една от тях е рецензия на книга, а другата е от типа Топ 5 фентъзи сериала. Линковете са от собствения ми блог, който ако желаете също можете да разгледате - в него пиша книжни и тв рецензии, както и туристически истории.

    Силно се надявам да работим заедно.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 40%
  • 1 дни
  • 5 лв.

  • Кандидат
  • Диана Андонова     Здравейте,
    Писах Ви на лични съобщения.
    1. Aктивност:
    2. 30%
  • 3 дни

  • Кандидат
  • Teodora Gospodinova   Здравейте,

    Изпратих ви лично съобщение.

    1. Aктивност:
    2. 10%
  • 2 дни

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