

Mobile / Desktop application with OpenCV library


Търся помощ за създаване на графичен интерфейс за тестване на алгоритми за обработка на изображения.

Програмата трябва да работи под Windows, Android и iOS.

Повече подробности има в прикачения файл.


Mobile / Desktop application with OpenCV library



  1. Microsoft Visual Studio0 2017.

  2. Cross platform project (c#) running on Android/iOS/Windows

  3. Linked with OpenCV ( preferably v4.x, latest available for c#).

  4. Android 5.0 and later.

  5. Windows 10 using webcam.



    Button ”Start” starts custom program.

    Live camera is running and for easy positioning one of predefined background images should be shown.

    It will made calculations based on image captured from the build-in camera.

    Will turn on/off the build-in lamp if needed.

    Will show the picture with intermediate calculation on “Picture” window.

    Will show alphanumeric results on boxes in the “Grid frame”.

    Will show progress or different pictures on the “Progress bar”.

  • Затворен
  • Бюджет
  • OpenCV
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